Sunday, March 25, 2007

The nightly game begins

I'm in my room for the night now, and of course Socks followed me in. He'll give of some lovin for a little while until he gets bored, at which point He'll knock on my door for me to let him out. When he realizes that there's nothing going on out there, either, he'll knock again to be let in. Then He'll want out, then back in. This cycle will continue all night until I fall asleep, at which point socks will knock to be let out (never before I start falling asleep) for the last time. He knows better then to spend the night in here, cuz Amanda feeds the cats before work (aka 6 am), and lord knows my ass ain't up at that time. If Socks was in here he might miss a meal, and that fat ass would never allow such a thing to happen. So why, you ask, do i put up with all this? Well, i just love the chubby bastard to death, is all.

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